Honor your values

A Coaching Program that helps you Identify what is truly important to you, so you can create a fulfilling life.

  • Personalized support

    Together, we'll curate a program tailored specifically to you. Through regular guidance, celebrating your progress, and reflective exercises, you'll gain clarity on what truly matters to you.

  • Embodied Awareness

    Through regular embodiment practices, you'll become aware of the mental and physical patterns in your body that shield your essence. This awareness empowers conscious choices aligned with your authentic self.

  • Integrative Approach

    You'll integrate practices and boundaries that honor your values and inner wisdom, creating a path to a healthier and more authentic you.

There are alot of coaches out there. How do you know who is right for you?

For me, it comes down to resonance.

  • Trained coaches have honed their skills to effectively serve clients while upholding the ethical standards of coaching.

  • A good coach will speak to the challenges you're facing. Even if you're unsure of the exact issue, they'll help you explore what's present and ask powerful questions to uncover your truth.

  • A good coach doesn't give advice or pretend to solve your problems. They recognize that you hold the answers to your own truth. Their role is to provide perspective and guidance, helping you gain the confidence to claim and embrace that truth.

  • A coach helps to expand your capacity. Left to our own devices, we tend to remain in our comfort zones. However, true growth occurs outside of our familiar boundaries. A coach supports you in exploring your edges, enabling you to hold more space for life's challenges and celebrations alike.

How We Work Together:

  • Hour-long Deep Dive Sessions: Every three weeks, we'll dive deep into your challenges and goals. You'll receive recordings and transcripts for your reference.

  • Ongoing Text Support: You'll have me on speed dial for continuous support and guidance between sessions.

  • Co-Creation of Your Life Value Statement: Together, we'll develop a personalized statement that reflects your core values and aspirations.

  • Monthly Virtual Breathwork Session: Tailored specifically to your needs, this session will help promote relaxation and clarity.

  • Reflective Journaling Prompts: Receive two sets of prompts each month to stimulate introspection and personal growth.

  • Daily Practices: These practices will foster a deeper connection with your body and enhance self-love on a daily basis.

  • Personalized Playlists: Enjoy three playlists designed to enhance your meditation, dancing, and breathwork practices.

The transformation you can expect:

  • Reconnect with Your Inner Wisdom: Build a deeper trust in yourself and your decisions.

  • Clarify Your Values: Discover what truly matters to you and align your life accordingly.

  • Break Free from Limiting Patterns: Identify and overcome the patterns that have held you back.

  • Deepen Your Connection: Cultivate a profound connection with your inner guidance through your intuition.

  • Experience More Joy, Self-Love, and Gratitude: Develop a greater appreciation for life's challenges and opportunities, fostering a mindset of joy, self-love, and gratitude.

Does this sound intriguing to you?

Let’s Connect for a 30-Minute Complimentary Call. I’m Here to Answer Any Questions You Have and Help You Decide Your Next Steps.