Are you trying to control circumstances, people or outcomes?

Do you want to break free from busyness and high expectations?

Hello Loves, I’m Nancy

I’ve been there and I know what its like to feel like you’re doing everything possible and things still aren’t what you expected.

I am a coach, breathwork facilitator, trained yogi, and Reiki practitioner. I am also a daughter, a sister, a wife, a mother, and a friend. Above all, I am a seeker, always delving deeper into life’s wisdom.

My journey has taught me valuable lessons on finding the love, acceptance, and peace we all long for—and I want to share these lessons with you.

For much of my life, I tried to control circumstances, people, and outcomes. No matter how hard I worked or how much I sacrificed, peace always seemed just out of reach. It wasn’t until I faced burnout and frustration that I was forced to surrender.

That’s when my spiritual awakening accelerated. While the journey is ongoing, today I am clear on my desires and priorities. I have the inner resources to access them anytime, anywhere. My connection to inner wisdom and essence continues to deepen. I am committed to practicing trust, embracing faith, and experiencing life from within.

I want to help you break free from busyness and high expectations—so you can reconnect with your essence and embrace the wisdom it holds.

I want to support you to move through your stuff.

The Answer Is Already Within You; It Lives in Your Heart.

I believe that everything you seek is already within you.

All that's needed is love—a rare kind of love that intuitively knows what is required and unlocks a fulfilling life.


currently in my life…

I've just returned home to the west coast of Florida after back-to-back solo trips—to the mountains of North Carolina and the serene countryside of Portugal.

These journeys have deepened my connection to nature and the profound beauty that surrounds us—if only we pause to notice, rather than rushing to the next task.

Traveling fuels my curiosity, brings balance to my perspectives, and ignites my creativity. 






With over 25 years in executive leadership, team building, and creative design, my professional career complements the esoteric trainings I've undergone, creating a balanced wealth of knowledge.

Coaching has equipped me with the ability to ask powerful questions that unveil new perspectives and unveil new avenues of possibility. Rather than just discussing emotions, we acknowledge them, experience them fully, and allow them to naturally evolve into authentic expressions.

Breathwork has given me direct access to my body and opened my heart, releasing years of tension and ingrained fight-or-flight responses. Through this practice, I've begun to understand the messages my body has been trying to communicate. Connecting with my body has empowered me to reclaim and embody my truth, my essence.

Yoga Teacher Training enabled me to access the ancient wisdom of the Eastern world and gain insight into the unnecessary complexities of modern life. By embracing the present moment as it unfolds, everything else fades in significance.

A phrase my teacher often shared during Savasana was, “There is nowhere you need to go and nothing you need to do.” Saying this to myself continues to bring me profound peace.

Reiki Energy Healing has deeply influenced me on a personal level. After receiving regular Reiki sessions for over a year, I was inspired to pursue training. I witnessed firsthand its ability to release limiting beliefs, reduce stress, and enhance my overall well-being. Reiki, an ancient energy healing practice, channels Universal Source energy into the client's body. This energy carries innate wisdom and intuitively knows what is needed.